Rotary Foundation Committee "Golf Pool Fundraiser" 
UPDATE after 1st and 2nd Rounds Complete (April 6, 2022)
 The first and second rounds are complete and our test teams are doing quite well!  Golf can be a very fickle sport, Augusta National is a challenging course for even the best players in the world, and many highly rated professional golfers cannot make it past the first 2 rounds.  Some of the highly rated players (and some that our test teams chose) have now been "cut" after the second round, will not play the weekend.  Here's where our test teams are going into the weekend, the final 2 rounds that will determine the winner.  Who do you think of our 4 test teams will come out on top??
     Pool Name is: “2022 Masters Golf Tournament – Rotary Test”
     Pool ID# is 184982. 
     Our 4 teams are: “Blooming Azaleas”, “Eagle Aye”,
      “Fab Fore” and “Chicks with Sticks”.
The Committee appreciates the support of the members for The Rotary Foundation and its programs, in particular the PolioPlus Eradication Project.
Scan this QR code to go to the website.  Then click on "VIEW" and input the Pool ID #
to view the teams standings.
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