Your Rotary Foundation Committee use this weekend's PGA tournament (The Players Championship) in order to do a "test run" before the upcoming Masters tournament. It was an exciting 4 days with a stellar group of marquee golfers competing. The standings for the 4 test pool teams changed from round to round as the course took its toll - especially on many of the favourites, 2 of whom never made it past the second round! Mother Nature also factored in, including the need for a weather delay.
When the final results were tallied, 2 teams were tied for the lowest aggregate score (-24) so we waited for the Official Earnings to be published. Using the aggregated dollars earned for the teams we could then declare a winner! Congratulations to Karen's team (All Ts) that just edged out Linda Craig's team (Women with Clubs) by just a couple of thousand dollars.
We had a lot of fun with this and look forward to inviting you all to participate in the 2023 Masters golf pool once registrations open after March your email for details.
The Rotary Foundation Committee appreciates the support of the members for the Rotary Foundation and its programs, in particular the PolioPlus Eradication project.