At our June 20th weekly meeting, District 7080 Governor Brenda Halloran was in attendance and presented two members - Charlie Barnes and Martin Litchfield - with "Avenues of Service Award" certificates from Rotary International.

CHARLIE BARNES received the "Avenues of Service - Community Service" award. Raising about $100,000 on his own and participating for 6 years for Tour de Guelph; representing the club at Salvation Army Christmas Kettle during club hosting day for 5 years; serving on community fellowship and fundraising event organizing committees and soliciting sponsors/donations. Always makes himself available to volunteer at club community events wherever he is needed. An inspiration to club members - at 86 years old - by his participating in World Triathlon races. Was truly a Rotarian in spirit before he finally joined a Rotary club - at age 81 - as evidenced by his volunteering on behalf of Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation raising >$100,000 himself by running in marathons and competing in triathlons, as well as continuing to serve as a mentor to triathletes of all ages. As a club we so value his membership and friendship, and continue to be awed by his vitality and commitment to supporting our club and his community.

MARTIN LITCHFIELD received the "Avenues of Service - Youth Service" award. Martin joined Rotary in 2019 but his contributions to Rotary Youth Exchange programs by he and his family date back to the 1990's. He continued to support youth by coaching sports teams and mentoring students as well as serving on boards. Since moving to Guelph and joining Rotary he served the club as Chair of the Youth Service committee as well as Chair of the Youth Committee for the Guelph-Wellington Cluster of Rotary clubs. His leadership there, even when he was also club President, led to a much higher profile and focus on youth-related opportunities. As well his management experience benefited both the Youth Cluster and club Youth Service committees with respect to the development of Best Management practices for the Camp Enterprise program, support for the Rotaract club and planning for eventual introduction of an Interact club for our Cluster. Providing "Service Above Self" especially for youth-related issues before he even knew about the motto! Martin's son Norm, a past Rotarian himself, was in attendance to see his dad get the award that was presented by District 7080 Governor Brenda Halloran.

We are very proud of both Charlie and Martin, and their awards are well-deserved!