Honourary Member Thomas Newby has provided us with an update on his 2 children. For the benefit of the newer members, Hannah suffered severe heart failure when she was less than 6 months old, had an artificial heart for months and then a heart transplant just before her first birthday. Thomas was Club President at the time and was trying to keep up with his job, Rotary and this oh-so-serious family situation. He did a remarkable job in every respect! Hannah just turned 6 on March 6th (big brother Lucas turned 11 a couple of weeks prior) and is doing great! Thomas thought the members would like to hear how they're doing:
Hannah: is in senior kindergarten now. At the parent-teacher interviews her teacher said she is a dream student. She is always willing to answer and to help the junior kindergarteners and is exceeding the educational requirements for that grade. The teacher would not have known that she had any hearing issues or needed to take speech therapy (without us telling her) so that is great. She’s already trying to mother her big brother which is amusing to watch. She is active in swimming lessons, piano, gymnastics and dance and still love being outside.
Lucas: is in grade 5 now. He’s doing well in school too and has a current project on the go where they talk about a local charity. He spoke up and asked his teacher if he could do it on Ronald McDonald House instead which she is letting him. He’s excited to give his presentation on it next week and recognizes how great of a facility it is. He is also doing swimming, guitar and basketball. He loves to read and is likes to brag about how he is now officially as tall as his grandma.