VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY (Multiple Sclerosis Society Guelph-Wellington)
This year the Multiple Sclerosis Society (Guelph-Wellington Chapter) is holding our very first Summer Relay! The Val Bremner Memorial Summer Relay is a brand new fundraiser that will be held on August 9th at Ponsonby Recreation Park in Guelph. Participants attending this event will bike or run the country roads of Wellington. The event will be followed by music and entertainment! We will need many volunteers to help on the day of this event to ensure its success.
I am wondering if members of the Rotary Club of Guelph South would be interested in helping? Volunteers are needed to assist in set up, registration, rest stops, food prep and serving, route logistics, prizes and bartending.
Interested volunteers can contact me, Sandra Clarke at Sandra.clarke@mssociety.ca or (519) 569-8789. Your support with this initiative would be greatly appreciated! Sandra Clarke | Volunteer Coordinator | Central West Ontario Division MS Society of Canada | 35 Belmont Ave W | Kitchener, ON N2M 1L2 Phone: 519-569-8789 | Fax: 519-569-8475 | Email: sandra.clarke @mssociety.ca